Navigating the LI.FI API

Get access to all DEXs, DEX aggregators on ~18 chains, and all the relevant bridges.
LI.FI allows you to swap, bridge, and a combination of both within one transaction.

About LI.FI

LI.FI is a bridge & DEX aggregation protocol that provides the best cross-chain swap across all liquidity pools and bridges. To learn more on our website, try our Web UI or our SDK.

Using the API

The API doesn't require authorization and can easily be accessed via

However, if your application requires a higher rate limit you can request an API key and use it to authenticate your requests. Check our documentation for more information.

Getting started with the API

We offer several guides in our official documentation to teach you about the most important principles of the API. Find step-by-step guides right here:

  1. A quick start guide on how to transfer tokens
  2. How to request all our supported chains
  3. How to get more information about a specific token
  4. How to get possible connections
  5. How to request a quote for a connection
  6. How to check the status of a transfer

Getting in touch

If you have questions, or suggestions or just want to be part of our great community, check out our Discord Channel or reach out via our Telegram Developer Support.